Following the flurry of excitement last Summer, Waterside Chiropractic sponsored equine and canine clients, Jessica Sedgwick & Harvey and Emma Priest & Foxi had a few months ‘off’ over the Winter. However, they have not been idle during that time!
Emma writes “Foxi had 3 months off from agility after her last show at Chippenham in October, she is never particularly pleased with the enforced break but I believe it does both of us the world of good and we still enjoy our long walks and learn new tricks to keep her mentally stimulated! Since Christmas we have slowly re-introduced training and also attended a training day with a lady from Denmark who is very experienced at the top level of our sport, which was amazing!
Foxi is now nearly show ready in her fitness; I have been entering shows and her first champ show is in May. We have done one training show and her first Kennel Club show was last weekend where she was first in her jumping class! I am really pleased with how she has come back after the winter and can’t wait to run her again this season!” Read more about Emma & Foxi by clicking here.
Jess has also been quite busy over the Winter and sent this update “At Rogate Dressage on the 25th January we came 4th in our Intro test qualifying for the Sunshine Tour! Harvey was fab, so much more chilled out and more settled in a rhythm which really helped! At the Indoor Arena XC at Merrist Wood on 31st January he jumped really well, slightly hindered by my dodgy steering but he was fantastic! Again really calm and just so much easier to ride! We then did Arena XC at Coombelands on 7th February……he is now so much more rideable and no longer pulls and tries to get away which is just amazing.
Thank you so much for all that you do for him. He is now going so much longer between treatments which is just fab!
Equally thank you for what you do for me, my back and shoulders are infinitely better since I have been having treatments, I no longer get pain and feel much stronger in my lower back which is exactly what I need for my endurance rides as this used to be a real problem for me!”
Read the full updates and see the fabulous pictures of Jess & Harvey at DR, SJ and Indoor Arena XC by clicking here.