About Waterside Chiropractic

Jackie Leftwich
BSc MSc AMC MMCA FRCC (Animal) Chiropractor [McTimoney/STR/IAVC] (Qualified to treat humans and animals)
Jackie owns and runs Waterside Chiropractic which is based in Birdham, near Chichester, West Sussex. Jackie is a Chiropractor [McTimoney/STR/IAVC] qualified to treat both humans and animals. Jackie is registered with the General Chiropractic Council (03278) (www.gcc-uk.org) and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Chiropractors (www.rcc-uk.org) and their Specialist Animal Faculty. Jackie is registered with RAMP (Register of Animal Musculoskeletal Practitioners). She is also a Member of the McTimoney Chiropractic Association (www.mctimoney-chiropractic.org) and the McTimoney Chiropractic Association Animal Group. Jackie is able to provide care covered by many healthcare insurance and pet insurance companies. She holds full Professional Indemnity and Medical Malpractice insurance.
Six years of intensive study led to Jackie qualifying from the McTimoney College of Chiropractic (MCC) in 2009 with a First Class BSc (Hons) Chiropractic degree as validated by the University of Wales. Jackie also achieved the accolade of the Principal’s Prize which is awarded to the student that has shown outstanding achievement and has gained the highest overall mark, including a First Class mark in the research dissertation and clinical studies.
Jackie immediately embarked upon two years of further post-graduate Masters level study to combine her ability to treat humans with that of animals. Jackie also holds a Master of Science (MSc) with Distinction in Animal Manipulation, undertaken through the McTimoney College of Chiropractic (as validated by the University of Wales) which runs the only University validated Masters level course in chiropractic for animals in the World.
Jackie was again awarded the Principal’s Prize for outstanding achievement and gaining the highest overall mark, including a high Distinction in her research dissertation and clinical studies. In addition to the study of animal palpation and manipulation skills, the MSc included comprehensive study of the functional and comparative anatomy (osteology, arthrology, myology and neurology) and pathophysiology of animals, the clinical assessment and evaluation procedures required to consider animals for treatment (conformation, gait analysis, biomechanics, lameness) and rehabilitative and aftercare advice.
In 2016, Jackie furthered her animal chiropractic skills by undertaking and passing the International Academy of Veterinary Chiropractic’s (IAVC) post-graduate diploma which involved over 210 hours of lectures and many hours of homework and case studies, learning a new animal chiropractic technique and undertaking final examinations that required over 80% in order to pass. Predominantly those seeking animal chiropractic treatment tend to be horses and dogs, although Jackie is qualified to treat any animal and has treated cats and sheep amongst others. Jackie also holds a certificate in canine first aid.

In 2013, Jackie became a Practical Tutor on the MSc in Animal Manipulation, helping students to learn the McTimoney technique for animals and master the theory and practice of animal adjusting. Students have to already be trained in a hands-on profession, such as chiropractic, physiotherapy or osteopathy, be a member of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons, or have a BSc Degree in Equine or Animal Science. In 2015, Jackie was asked to become an Examiner for BPP/MCC, assessing students of the MSc Animal Manipulation in their Clinical Examinations/Finals.
Based in Birdham near Chichester, West Sussex, Jackie has her own human and animal chiropractic clinics. Within her human clinics, she particularly enjoys working with patients that are looking for treatment to help them with the recovery of acute and chronic sports injuries; as a rider, runner and snowboarder herself, Jackie has an in-depth understanding of the requirements that these sports place upon the body and the rehabilitative techniques needed to restore optimal body function. She tends to treat dogs and cats at her own premises and is able to visit horses and other farm animals across Sussex, Hampshire and Surrey, although other areas can be considered upon request. Horses requiring on-going assessment and treatment can be accommodated in the stables at Waterside Farm.